Anyone out there know who Barbara is? No I thought not. You see I think Barbara is a ‘made up’ person invented to completely test my sanity and rational thought. It has been said that (allegedly) Barbara comes to college every Monday. This is so not true. I have been for the last 2 weeks and Barbara has not. “where’s this so called Barbara?” I suggest mockingly. Oh and how the students protest; “But there is a Barbara” they wail, “She comes on a Monday” they insist. “She’s a fabulous sewer!” they cry “and yes you have met her” they lie. I can’t take it anymore and I am requesting help from blogger readers – who knows, maybe Babs is one of them. If you think you know who Barbara is and she matches the following descriptions, please let me know:
She has curly wurly hair
She is afraid of many other humans
She rarely goes out (Well, she can’t make it to bloody college can she!)
She sews like a sewing wizard and then she sews some more
She can never be found on a Friday morning ( or Monday….)
She teaches to the little people
She is from another town (probably Brigadoon)
So help me God, let me put an end to the mystery that is ‘BARBARA’
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Clairabelle Crumpet
16th Mar, 2010
Barbra is my alter ago who is a much better sewer than me. My life is so crappy poo poo that yes i did make her up? I love living in Brigadoon its a peaceful happy place where slappers and morons are not allowed. JULIETTA JELLYWOBBLE how can you question our friendship that we would trick you so. Till Monday my friend when Barbra will come to you like a vision of beauty from beyond brigadoon. Your loving and loyal barbra loving frined is always with you. Snogs Crumpetxxxx
7 Comments on Where’s Barbara?
15th Mar, 2010 21:03
you DID see her…
you DID see her because you wouldn’t give her any or your art journal material.
you DID see her because she answerd questions when we went around the class…
you DID she her because …i said you did… and i was next to you.
i no you are real Barbara, and i understand you have an over protective husband…
there is help for women like you Barbara, don’t stand for it…
break free and come to monday morning madness!
Maybe she doesn’t no who YOU are either…
Julietta Jellybobble
16th Mar, 2010 09:03
I know you’re tricking me Jenna!
Clairabelle Crumpet
16th Mar, 2010 18:03
Barbra is my alter ago who is a much better sewer than me. My life is so crappy poo poo that yes i did make her up?
I love living in Brigadoon its a peaceful happy place where slappers and morons are not allowed.
JULIETTA JELLYWOBBLE how can you question our friendship that we would trick you so.
Till Monday my friend when Barbra will come to you like a vision of beauty from beyond brigadoon.
Your loving and loyal barbra loving frined is always with you.
Snogs Crumpetxxxx
19th Apr, 2018 12:04
Just thought I would check in to see if you have found Barbara yet ?
Luv Ya,
Jules Smith
19th Apr, 2018 14:04
You are so predictable, PPS. I KNEW you’d Google Julietta Jellybobble and find this instead of my stage show pics. As IF I would put them on here!
No – Barbara is still missing.
21st Apr, 2018 02:04
Soooooo…..Where are the stage pics ?
You can save yourself a lot of trouble if you just tell me. I gotta friend of Joey Diamonds see….
Jules Smith
21st Apr, 2018 09:04
They would only make you go blind, Terry. You need to pay me well… Tell your friend, Joey that there’s a tiny portion of one at this blog post: and another one here:
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