It’s Whimsy On A Wednesday On A Thursday!
I had to go out today. I had to go out because I felt like I was becoming a toxic mass of dribbling forgetfulness. I detest this feeling. Hoisted by my own petard because I drank sherry for breakfast and ate chocolate oranges for tea. I can’t be arsed to move as I’m plagued by sugary exhaustion. The only time my body wants to exercise is at 3 AM when my legs start doing a restless, horizontal run in my bed. There is a noticeable steaming, swelling, and abundance of fumarolic gas rumbling within. I’m torn between the menace of bad behaviour and the will to escape. I try and think of a plan as I wash down yet another mince pie with a bottle of Gaviscon.
I am on the precipice of being frightfully atrocious.
Today, on Thursday 28th December, (I’m doing that for my own good) I went into town to have a coffee and do something normal. This had nothing to do with a £50 voucher for L’Occitane burning a hole in my pocket. No. I really don’t need any more gifts. I have been lavished with gorgeous things and I am truly thankful to those who know me well.
I say well, but then do you ever wonder how people really see you?
And those who clearly know you should be a sea-shantying pirate living in Cornwall.
Or an artist in a studio where one can fall down rabbit holes and live in inky Wonderland.
I knew it was going to be a special Christmas because just before the big day the heavens sent a message.
A nebulous rainbow cloud hit the UK. Either it was a beautiful omen or Putin was gassing us. I’m not being facetious, I say this as at the same time my mother took a funny turn.
“Christmas dinner will be at 2 pm”, I said as we sat having coffee at the garden centre.
“Oh, I was going to talk to you about that.”
I rolled my eyes because that is what I am wont to do on most occasions if people start effing around with my plans and going off-piste.
“I was thinking we could have it a bit later,” she said.
“Like when?” I might’ve been a bit petulant, not gonna lie.
“Maybe a quarter past 2.”
I looked at her gone out. I wondered if should I ring an ambulance or get her to hold her hands up in the air and repeat her name and address. Surely she had had a stroke or this was a side effect from the nebulations in the sky.
“Lady, by the time you’ve sat down and pulled a cracker with your opponent at the table I’m pretty sure 15 minutes will have passed. I think we’re good.”
And I call them opponents because that’s what they become at a family gathering. Also, when games are played they are usually fiercely aggressive and competitive resulting in name-calling and severe criticism. People have cried in the past or stopped speaking to us for months. Many have fallen by the wayside. The Vikings have survived. In our family, it’s character-building.
Turned out that the rainbow cloud was a rather special freak occurrence and magical unicorns had flown through the sky.
On Christmas Eve, another new tradition was started. Books were purchased and exchanged – like they do in Iceland. I was given a global best-selling series about a time-travelling coffee shop by Toshikazu Kawaguchi.
I bought the following for a family member because I heard it is one of the top-selling books in curious bookshops and enthrals its readers.
It is only 60 pages long and can be devoured in a sitting. I am now reading this book and must say that it took a turn I was not expecting. I am hooked.
So, back to today. I went to the L’Occitane shop and found it was shut until 9.30 AM so I went for a walk around the city. I like to do this and find new shops, eateries and wall art.
I also like to look up at the beautiful Victorian buildings and enjoy the architecture. My father always taught me to look up and pay attention to things instead of straight ahead. I can often be found bumping into people because I’ve gone a bit dizzy from having my head in the clouds.
Anyway, after getting lost down that rabbit hole I returned to the French beauty shop and bought some lovely oils that are guaranteed to remove all evidence of Christmas stress, toxins, lactic acid, hardening of the arteries, fatty liver, and irritable temper.
I’ve also bought a salad in case that’s all a dreadful lie and I just end up being a nasty bitch with beautiful skin.
Wishing you all a happy end to this year and blessings for the New Year where you’ll likely find me exactly as I was.
20 Comments on Twixmas Twitchiness
John Coffey (Coffeypot)
28th Dec, 2023 15:12
As for the family members not speaking for some time, I assume it last until the next birthday or the Christmas season. In otherwards, isn’t it better to receive than to give?
Jules Smith
29th Dec, 2023 16:12
I’m not being tricked into answering that kind of question, JC, Oh no, not on your nelly! I’ve been hoodwinked by that kind of trickery before!
I spose it’s all down to which angle you’ll be talking from, innit!
28th Dec, 2023 16:12
I find this is the trouble now with looking up, or even to the side, it leads to a bout of teetering!
Jules Smith
29th Dec, 2023 16:12
Ricky L, you want to be watching what they put in those craft ales from the Bread and Bitter! However, I catch your drift, quite literally!
Happy New Year, my friend.
the late phoenix
28th Dec, 2023 18:12
Nocino, mah dahlin, Nocino wine with those bottles with the LONG necks.
there is only one place around here for L’Oreal perfumes: Macy’s.
omg that cloud was actually giving the finger!!! that is a MIRACLE OF NATURE!!! is God mad about something?
if they’re not gonna do Back to the Future 4, they can at least make a movie out of Before the Coffee Gets Cold.
relaxation? two words: LUSH soaps.
wait what are you gonna do with that LARGE cucumber?
love you, mah dahlin. I don’t say Merry Christmas anymore, I ONLY say Happy Christmas.
Jules Smith
29th Dec, 2023 16:12
I only like long necks if I’m not being duped out of a litre. I’m all for fancy pants so long as it’s not on my pound note!
God should be mad at many things. Perhaps he’s given up and turned to long-necked fancy wines.
Before the coffee gets cold is SO good! I love everything Japanese, it seems.
LUSh is just a heady scent message.
Luv ya my sweet, Merry Everything! *)
28th Dec, 2023 22:12
I will get out today also, but away from family and the usual friends. Happy New Year, Jules!
Jules Smith
29th Dec, 2023 16:12
You are wise and next year I’m going to pay a lot more attention to your wisdomous advice. Happy New Year, BW.
Al Kirk
29th Dec, 2023 01:12
While on your walk about don’t forget to look down. The old cast iron manhole lids and valve boxes are often very ornate and have very old stories to tell.
Salad? Without bacon? Are you sure you got over the plague that was vexing you earlier in the month? I’m concerned…. I think…. best you go get some bacon.
Anyway… have a good New Year…
Jules Smith
29th Dec, 2023 17:12
What?! How do you know this level of art? Hmmm…
If you scroll back to some of my other posts somewhere, you’ll find that I have harped on and on about the arty manhole covers that can be found! I love them!
I said I BOUGHT a salad , not that I ate it. As it happens, I got tempted into a village pub where turkey and bacon club sarnies were being made. It’s rude not to support your local businesses, right?
As for bacon, I have it every single morning. Some folks say to me, “Jules, you shouldn’t have bacon every day, it’s bad for you.”
I say,
“You shouldn’t have opinions on my breakfast, that’s even more bad for you. And, ooh! Look! There’s someone over there enjoying themselves, why don’t you go and convince them that they’re not!”
No need for concern, Al, I’ll never let the bacon side down.Not never ever.
Happy New Year, kindred fellow!
29th Dec, 2023 06:12
Thank heavens that’s all over! I just have a New Year’s Eve party I need to wriggle out of, and then normality (or whatever counts for that in these parts) will have resumed.
Many thanks for all your whimsy this year, Jules. I look forward to more of the same next year 🙂
Jules Smith
29th Dec, 2023 17:12
Yeah, I feel the same way, Masher. Enough now. I’m deciding to stay in this New Year’s Eve as wolfits get very stressed about fireworks and there are too many nobheads in the pub.
Many thanks for your tales also and the junkets of Masher and co. I look forward to more of those. Happy New Year! X
29th Dec, 2023 06:12
I keep the ketchup in the refrigerator…
Jules Smith
29th Dec, 2023 17:12
Well, you didn’t have to tell me that, LL. You wouldn’t even have been bought that book. People can smell your psychopathy from continents away!
Happy New Year! X
The Blue Grumpster
29th Dec, 2023 14:12
Dear Jules,
First off, love your bio. Especially this part: “My most exciting experience was when the Daily Express Newspaper asked me to drive like the clappers to a hotel and interview the Formula 1 BBC commentator and former racing driver, David Coulthard. I drove so fast that I was there before he was.” You always make me laugh. In fact, you’ve put a smile on my face for over a decade now. Let me quote you because you are that important and 100% wonderful:
“A toxic mass of dribbling forgetfulness…”
“At 3 AM your legs start doing a restless, horizontal run in your bed….”
“Putin was gassing us…”
Classic Jules.
Do I ever wonder how people really see me? Not really. I already know my handsome facade misleads the herd time and again…. Hm? Okay, made handsome is overstating things a wee bit. Where’s that filter you promised me for Christmas anyway…
“My father always taught me to look up and pay attention to things instead of straight ahead.” That is sound advice. Many could’ve learned a lot from him two years ago.
Anyway, thanks for always stopping by. You and Jaya J were my first readers in 2010, and by the looks of it you’re going to be my last. Just the way I like it.
You take good care, Jules.
Jules Smith
29th Dec, 2023 17:12
Dear Blue, It’s SO good to hear from you and I’m glad you’re back after a spell in limbo followed by the ultimate fairytale.
The smiles work both ways and I’ve had a decade of fun from your end. Sometimes the people in the ether become of such importance they break your heart just the same when they go away.
I read you because you’re good and smart and fun. Now the deadwood has gone, the best remain, and the Blue guy comes back from a position of joy, strength, and resolve. Yee flippin’ Haw! Here’s to the next decade, my friend. Happy New Year! X
Roger B.
29th Dec, 2023 18:12
Not tryin’ to be ugly, but how often did your dad trip and fall whilst looking up while walking instead of down?
Wishing you the blessings of a healthy and peaceful new year. And remember what Paul Simon said: “After changes upon changes, we are more or less the same”.
With love from Appalachia – Roger B.
Jules Smith
31st Dec, 2023 17:12
Haha! I don’t know but I’m sure he must have! Happy New Year, my friend! Love to you both xx
30th Dec, 2023 02:12
I love the Alice bookmark, but that’s just me and “cracker opponents” has a ring to it. Accuracy is key.
Sherry for breakfast? Panacea.
Jules Smith
31st Dec, 2023 17:12
It’s lovely, isn’t it. I have three; the others are a ‘drink me’ bottle and a tea cup! Happy New Year, LSP!
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