The Madness is in the Air

Whimsy On A Wednesday

Posted on: 5th Feb, 2025

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a bunch of snowdrops in the grass of a churchyard in England

Whimsy on a Wednesday Bringing You Slightly Unhinged Observations and Seasonal Delusions

So, this week I’ve noticed spring in the air. If spring were a person she’d now be stretching in her bed and opening her eyes. She’s not up, she’s not dressed yet, she’s a long way off interacting with anything, but she’s compos mentis. The other day it was so beautiful that I tried to go out without a jumper on but then remembered—it’s a vicious lie and it’s still winter. It might look springy but it isn’t. It’s still proper brrrski out there. 

Snowdrops: Nature’s Little Tricksters

There are many snowdrops in the churchyard, looking all delicate and picturesque, signalling the merging of the seasons like some sort of botanical diplomacy mission.

 (Cue dramatic pause for my inserted snowdrop photos).

A single snowdrop in a grassy field

 Lovely, aren’t they?

White snowdrops in a dark and dank area

 Almost enough to fool you into believing it’s time to pack away the thermals. It isn’t. 

close up snowdrops in a muddy, bracken area

The Fresh Air Conundrum

Given that the crisp air poked at my conscience, I decided to throw open all the windows and embrace the freshness of the day. Someone recently told me that too much carbon dioxide in the house makes you go mad. Given that I’m already a bit mad I thought it best to clear out the insanity before it gets worse. I live in a village now and they are inclined to come at you with pitchforks if you dare to display quirky defiance.

 Like a modern-day Snow White (but without the singing, or cleaning wildlife), I flung back the windows and took a deep, life-affirming breath. Oh Yes! 

And then—ERRRR.

The Ladybird Lodgers

There, nestled in my window jamb? Stile? (Who knew windows had so many bits? Why are windows this complicated?) Several million ladybirds. Look at this ladybird apocalypse…

a whole load of ladybirds (ladybugs) nestled in the window stile

Now I had a quandary.

I wanted to shut the window because as much as I love a fresh breeze, I also love not freezing my arse off. But closing the window meant squashing an entire colony of what is officially called “a loveliness” of ladybirds. Just because they have red wings we conveniently forget they’re actually beetles. 

They had moved, you see. On purpose. If I shut the window, carnage. If I brushed them off they’d tumble to their demise on the patio flagstones. And what if the Buddhists are right and I come back as a ladybird? I had no choice but to grab paper and run up and down stairs like a lunatic and gently relocate them onto a plant. 

Then I remembered that they have wings. They can just fly back. I suspect this saga is ongoing. Karma may be behind this gaff.

Elsewhere in the Realm of My Brain…

three paint brushes on a ceramic palette

On my other blog, where art philosophy reigns, you can find out how to paint watercolours in my short 16-week blog course. Want to know if you’re a tool—I mean if you have the right tools? Then go  here.

Until next week, my readership of lovelies, my whimsy of readers, my muddle of minds, my chuckle of followers,

My Nest of Nonsense!

Stay whimsical, stay warm, and check your windows for unexpected tenants.


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15 Comments on The Madness is in the Air



5th Feb, 2025 00:02

I love your musings on what we here on the other side of the pond call ladybugs! I do love seeing them as a harbinger of spring! And yes, I got this email! Cause for celebration!



Jules Smith

5th Feb, 2025 09:02

Yes! I forgot you call them ladybugs. We, in sharp-as-a-tack Britain, probably saw them flying and thought they were miniature birds.
I do like them until I start thinking about them with their wings off, but I want them to live elsewhere than the crook of my window. I don’t think there is a crook of a window but I’m very perplexed by window jargon. But yes, Nancy, happy to feel spring in the air! 🙂



5th Feb, 2025 01:02

Don’t let karma run over your dogma (in this case, Tex) regarding ladybugs. Then again, they’re Beatles, and the Beatles come from the UK, so I sense some irony – or is it karma?


Jules Smith

5th Feb, 2025 10:02

Tex would eat Karma if he could find the sneaky harlot. I think she’s still living next door to that flat I rented in Houston.

I dunno, maybe they “Come Together” to make me “Twist and Shout” as I scream “Help!” and maybe I could do with “A Little Help From My Friends” in such a crisis. “A Day in the Life” of me, eh…



5th Feb, 2025 02:02

Juju, love,

You know I adore getting your stuff. I know you’re in a hurry for winter to be done with itself but, hey, I have a beef. Why must you live in the future? Why must you send me Wednesday Whimsy on my Tuesday? Winter won’t leave early so no early whimsy.


Jules Smith

5th Feb, 2025 10:02

Well, that makes me feel dreadfully important!

I am the Oracle, Dean. I am here to tell you all what is on the horizon and how to deal with it. I’m not pathetic but prophetic. Just follow my lead and all will be well. I promise this isn’t a cult…

Winter is about to leave but we have March to contend with next. She is a moody bitch who will snow on your bank holiday plans in a heartbeat.



5th Feb, 2025 02:02

We have a lot of Ladybugs/Ladybeetles/Ladybirds (depends on where you grew up) in the warm season here. Quite cute, and they’re excellent at devouring “harmful” bugs, like aphids.

We had a few days of 60* temperatures here, and now we’re back to 30*~40*. Spring will get here, just not yet.


Jules Smith

5th Feb, 2025 10:02

Hello drjim!

I think this is a sign of many aphids to come, or as we say, greenfly. At least they will save my heritage English roses by eating them. They better do now I’ve been housing them rent-free!

Yeah – still a bit temperamental but I live in constant hope.

the late phoenix

the late phoenix

5th Feb, 2025 03:02

Compos Mentis: should have been a flavor of Mentos.

if you leave a freshly-baked apple pie on the window sill and turn your head away from it for one minute, it WILL disappear, happens every time.

whoa!!! the ladybugs!!! a female version of The Beatles called The Ladybugs, why hasn’t this happened yet?

can I be part of your Watercolour Fellowship, mah dahlin?



Jules Smith

5th Feb, 2025 10:02

It probably is a flower. A sensible daisy, probably!

Oh yes, tis true. Who can resist an apple pie?

I think I will write to Paul McCartney and ask.

Aren’t they a lovely collective? A palette of perfection. Get your paints out and join in the fun! *)

Al Kirk

Al Kirk

5th Feb, 2025 04:02

Snowdrops are always welcome in the early spring. Winter is over!

Not a big ladybug fan. They fly in, get into everything.

Open windows are great, till the rain comes up unexpected.


Jules Smith

5th Feb, 2025 10:02

I know, Al! Aren’t they pretty? Hasn’t the groundhog said there’s a whole more 6 weeks of winter? Yuck.

Especially windows.

Yes. That’s why we don’t open ours much. Though a gentle rain with an open window can be quite soothing.



5th Feb, 2025 06:02

I wonder if there was ever a Ladybird Book of Ladybirds?

Spring is most definitely on the verge of being sprung, methinks, but with the weather being so topsy turvey nowadays, it could well spring straight back to Winter. Like me, our weather has no idea of what it should be doing anymore.


Jules Smith

5th Feb, 2025 10:02

There’s got to be, surely…

I completely empathise. What’s going on? I think England always seems to be inbetwixt things. Even when it’s not meant to be. This is why we are constantly in a state of confusion.



5th Feb, 2025 16:02

And yet, English weather was voted ‘Best In The World’ by Climate magazine*

*Possibly not true.

At all.


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