Well I’ve been tagged. Not electronically but there’s always time for that. Dee from Deecoded has asked me to answer six things that you should know about me. I’ve decided to change it to six things that you need not know about me as that’s far more interesting, is it not?
So let’s get on with it:
1: The Accidental Life Coach. I have suddenly realised, that by sheer fluke (and a touch of severely low boredom threshold) I have become a life coach. Completely by accident. I truly believe I can advise on any given situation because I have had more jobs than there are pictures of the Royal baby. Fact. I won’t list them all as there are not enough pages on Blogger but trust me when I say I can: Write you an award winning business plan, tell you how to run/start up/ exit a business, advise on property and yield, tell you what chocolate to eat, make you look beautiful, advise you on what to wear, photograph you, write about you and stick you in a glossy magazine, style your house, paint your furniture, teach you how to dance and counsel you when suicidal. And THAT is just for starters.
2: I think I have ADD. See 1.
3: When I try to be cool it never works. Example: I once had to interview writers for a new magazine. The last interviewee turned up and was all of the following: smart, witty, a great writer, good looking and dreadfully interesting. He had driven a long way and had to roam around the city alone until later that evening. Being a kindly soul I suggested we go for a late lunch to discuss options further. I decided to choose a very nice Deli where you could eat and drink wine at a swanky bar located in the middle. For some reason I opted for a platter of olives from around the world and a glass of Chablis. Mistake. I shared my food with ‘He that should be employed’ and during our conversation he told me to be careful of the red stuffed olive as it was insanely hot. This rather useful piece of advice slipped my mind and I promptly put the chili stuffed, raging hot, mouth blistering little bugger in my mouth. Within seconds I felt my throat close up and I began to bray like a donkey. WTF? How attractive. I felt the heat from both embarrassment and life threatening chili reaction rage from my chest to my face. The braying ceased and instead I completely lost my voice which wasn’t helping with my pleas for medical attention. My eyes were streaming, snot was running from my nose and I was verging on self combustion. My lunch colleague (along with the rest of the Deli) looked at me agog as I choked and leaked all over the bar.
“Oh my God are you ok? Do you need water? He asked.
It was then that I realised he wasn’t quite as bright as I first thought. After several minutes it eased up and though I still couldn’t talk, I knew I wasn’t going to die. However, the conversation and connection between myself and ‘He who was making a sharp exit’ was lost and we parted ways.
As I walked through the city back to my car I noticed people staring at me. Maybe it was my edgy, swag attire or that my hair looked like I had just stepped out of a salon. Yeah, that must be it. When I reached my vehicle and looked in the rear view mirror I wondered if I’d been possessed. Black streaks of mascara had artfully painted themselves across my snot dried, ruddy complexion and I looked like something out of a gruesome horror film. This, my friends, is what we call “Street cred death”.
4: I am a medical diagnostic genius. Whilst I don’t have any qualifications in the medical field I am so good at diagnosing ailments and possible life threatening diseases that I should be given the title “Doctor” by default. I have managed to manipulate my GP into giving me tablets for months for something he didn’t even diagnose. The only problem is that I can convince myself that I am about to die a horrible death when I’ve only got a mild headache. At the point where I thought I was the only woman to have suffered a dropped testicle, my medical book was taken away from me and burnt. Which was stupid because I still have Google Medic.
5: I hate ironing stripy things. They always make me feel dizzy and on the verge of epilepsy. I have to squint until nearly blind to get through the ordeal of pressing clothes with stripes. They should be banned or made from crease resistant material.
6: I made my Mother a murderer. My Mum killed Mr Big and it was all my fault. It’s that ripple effect thing. Anyway, when I was… ooh 17 years old, I got asked by a nightclub manager if I’d like to be a model on the back of beer mats, matchboxes etc.. (YES! I was in a nightclub under age ‘cos that’s how it is over here! ) I said yes and turned up on a Sunday afternoon at said club with my BFF to see about 20 girls in bikinis waiting to be shot. With a camera, not a gun. I stripped down to my two piece and waited in line with my friend as we got plied with glass after glass of sparkling cheap plonk. At that age you show no finesse and slug it down, smug in the fact that you’re getting free ale under age.
I was so tipsy by the time I got in front of the camera that I was easily led and naive enough to toss my bikini top to the floor when the camera man and Mr Big said it would probably lead to great fame and fortune.
On the bus on the way home the thought of my Mother finding a picture of me topless on a match booklet had a very sobering effect. She was (still is) very strict and by the time I reached my front door I didn’t know whether it was the fear of owning up to my misdemeanour or the fizzy wine that was making me want to vomit.
She went ballistic.
She drove straight down to the nightclub and tore a strip and then some off Mr Big and his camera man. She threatened them with court action, stole their cameras and promised them a life of abject misery if any part of her daughter was seen on their POS material. She can be incredibly scary my Mother.
Now Mr Big is being called as such because he was like a celebrity. He owned lots of nightclubs throughout the land and was a big player in the entertainments industry.
The morning after my Mothers brutal attack on Mr Big saw him stone cold dead from a massive heart attack. Coincidence?
I in turn was grounded for…. Hmmm.. I think I still am.
22 Comments on Six things…..
20th Aug, 2013 19:08
Hahaha @ your mom! She sounds fabulous. And you’re all the more fabulous for the things we “don’t” or “shouldn’t” know about you. You’re my hero Miss Jellybobble.
Love from AzraDoodleBug
29th Aug, 2013 07:08
She’s fabulous from a distance! 😉
Why thank you Azra Doodlebug – I shall add hero to my list xx ( my favourite)
David Macaulay
20th Aug, 2013 20:08
OMG funny – have suffered street cred death on being ultra cool with a new acquaintance only to realize I had been walking around with my flies wide open for half an hour – oh ehem, maybe one of those occasions when not mentioning the topless gig could have been in order 🙂
29th Aug, 2013 07:08
Ha ha! The cage may be open but the beast is asleep 😉
Nothing like a bit of street cred death to bring you back down to earth though, eh David 🙂
20th Aug, 2013 20:08
I like your mother.
When my oldest girl went on a first date, I met the boy at the door and he was terrified. I think that it was because I held a sword in my hand.
29th Aug, 2013 07:08
Oh my God! I bet he was scared to death. Sets the boundaries though, right? It reminds me of my Step – Father. One Halloween he came to the door to trick or treater’s in a tin hat and a world war rifle and said “Trick”. They all ran off screaming and I sat waiting for the black maria!
It’s no wonder I’m unstable.
20th Aug, 2013 21:08
Haha! Fantastic posts.=D
20th Aug, 2013 21:08
Haha! Fantastic posts.=D
29th Aug, 2013 08:08
So fantastic you said it twice! I love that sort of loyalty Cherise 😉
21st Aug, 2013 01:08
Hahaha I love it! I knew I made a wise decision by tagginv you. These 6 things you shared are so hilarious. I love your mom’s reaction. Like a mama bear protecting her cub. I’m also super curious now as to how many jobs you’ve had! Sounds like your resume is more colorful than the color run I just went to.
29th Aug, 2013 08:08
Well thank you for tagging me Dee and I’m glad you enjoyed it. Sorry I didn’t stick to protocol but I rarely do 😉
My CV is so long it’s like War & Peace. Maybe a bit more war!
Gorilla Bananas
21st Aug, 2013 06:08
Your mother was quite right to confiscate the camera, but she should have let you keep the picture as a reminder of your folly, which you could have shown to friends in later years when telling this anecdote. It’s always nice to have an artefact to complement the narrative. Seeing you topless may have affected Mr Big’s cardiorhythm.
29th Aug, 2013 08:08
Oh I have the pictures. Under lock and key! But it’s much better to have my friends thinking “Did she really do that… surely not..” If I get the photos out then it will be “Oh God. She really did. ” I’m already seriously low on street cred!
21st Aug, 2013 07:08
Marvelous post, Jules!
I remember – following a touch too much alcohol – I too was talked into doing a topless photo shoot.
I could see all the women around me, dressing me with their eyes.
The cameraman then advised me that putting my top back on, would do wonders for my modelling career. Oh well.
And I could really do with a life coach.
No, really.
29th Aug, 2013 08:08
LOL Masher! I can’t believe they were dressing you with their eyes! Uptight, prissy missy’s. Don’t they recognise awesomeness when they see it?
I’m all ears Masher. Tell me what you need and I’ll fix it with my unlimited know how 🙂
Exile on Pain Street
21st Aug, 2013 21:08
Is Accidental Life Coach a paying gig? Can you do it from a balcony in St. Kitts? That’d be sweet.
#3 kind of negates #1, don’t you think? Alice Cooper made a career out of that look. Don’t sneer.
#6. Where are those photos? I–no we–your audience demand that you post them. Or forward them via private email.
29th Aug, 2013 08:08
Hello UB/EOPS 🙂 Well, allow me to retort:
Yes I suppose #3 does kinda negate #1 yes! Except I am now also an expert on olives from around the world so… And how NOT to be cool.
I am sneering. Sorry 🙂
#6 – if I posted those photos I would be deemed a shameless harlot and my audience would be the sort to “yum yum” like Gollum and be surrounded by wet tissues. It’s not a good move. I have to respect my all together, intellectual, upstanding audience! Don’t I?
the late phoenix
28th Aug, 2013 17:08
Juli, i need counsel, your counsel, i need a friend, and maybe over time, a…well, anyway…i want to be cool, that’s all i’ve ever wanted, i want to be cool so bad! 🙁
29th Aug, 2013 08:08
Define cool for me? See, most people think it’s being or having the latest thing but it isn’t! Being cool (even though I’m really not the person to be asking) is standing out from the crowd. Being a proper “Indie” and not being afraid to be who you are. By that definition sweet Phoenix, you are already cool. You show that in your insanely connective writing style. You are gifted (ergo cool) and I know because I’m an accidental Life Coach! 🙂
Crystal Collier
2nd Sep, 2013 17:09
LOL!!!! Juliette, I always intend to skim when I’m on the blogosphere, but here, I just can’t do it. Thanks for the outrageously awesome facts. You crack me up, woman.
3rd Sep, 2013 09:09
Ah, thanks Crystal! Glad I can keep you entertained 😉
GranTurismo Driver
5th Sep, 2013 23:09
Nice post, great blog, following 🙂
Good Luck 🙂
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