Monday just gone was “Blue Monday,” the most depressing day of the year. But never fear! I’m here with whimsical wonder on a Wednesday to turn those frowns upside down (or at least into confused smirks).
Now, in my endless pursuit of happiness and pointless information, I heard on the news that mushrooms—not the magic kind (though I imagine those would help too)—but the regular, buy-them-in-Sainsbury’s, throw-them-in-a-stew variety, can actually lift your mood. Who knew? You can read more here. But I did find out about it on the telly whilst eating my breakfast so it must be true.
I ventured into the city for a little morning delight at a place called Bear. Naturally, I assumed it was named after the show The Bear, which is why I went. Thankfully, the kitchen was not in the midst of a catastrophic breakdown and no one was dramatically screaming about risotto.
Instead, I got this delightful little brioche sandwich. Feast your eyes on this beauty:
As lovely as that brioche was, swallowing it felt like a medieval torture experiment. I’ve had a sore throat for three and a half weeks, which even in my world of mild medical neglect seems excessive. So, I joined the UK’s most brutal daily competition:
The 8 AM GP Phone Lottery.
At precisely 7:59 AM, I hovered over my phone, poised like a coiled cat. The second the clock hit 8:00 AM, I hit that call button.
“You are 29th in the queue.”
TWENTY-NINTH?! How?! Who are these ninjas? Do they have a special connection to the doctor’s office?
Needless to say, I did not get an appointment. But in the next level of DIY doctoring, I was asked to send in a photo of my throat.
Have you ever tried to take a picture of the inside of your own throat? I do not recommend it.
Eventually, the doctor called back. “It doesn’t look bacterial so antibiotics won’t help, but I can see some soreness.”
Oh, good.
“Book in for a blood test,” he said.
Earliest appointment? A week on Monday.
Great. Maybe by then, my throat will have just given up entirely and I can become a full-time mime.
Thankfully, I have my new art room to distract me from my impending doom. My garage has slowly morphed into a creative haven. It’s not quite finished, but here’s a sneak peek at the progress so far.
Welcome to my art sanctuary, where creativity happens… and paint water is mistaken for tea.
A perfectly organised art space… until I start painting.
Yes, that is a friend of mine.
This is where the magic happens. And by magic, I mean controlled chaos.
Every artist needs a cluttered desk.
Some call it a mess. I call it an abstract masterpiece in progress.
The Million-Dollar Question
Meanwhile, here’s a picture of some art making millions by selling scribbles.
Please, dear readers, tell me why I am not a millionaire.
On a slightly more productive note, I’m running a course on my other art blog called Splash Into Watercolours, starting February 1st. If you’ve ever wanted to try your hand at messy, expressive art, now’s your chance!
Here’s a meme of an ostrich face planting a plank of wood, because honestly, that’s the level of logic I’m functioning at right now.
Until next Wednesday, stay whimsically wired.
15 Comments on Shroom For Improvement
Al Kirk
22nd Jan, 2025 00:01
I recognize the bacon in the breakfast but what’s that other stuff? Don’t they offer just a triple order of bacon?
Nice studio.
I suspect Cye knows someone. It’s certainly not me as he’d still be stocking grocery shelves.
Since the vaunted free health care in the motherland is failing you try Vitamin D3, Eldeberry, and echinacea.
Smile spring will soon arrive … and it’ll rain every day.
Jules Smith
22nd Jan, 2025 08:01
Ah, that is a very round poached egg that looks like cheese! It’s my fault for rushing to get my chops around the bacon. I should have cut the egg before photographing.
Thank you! I wonder if Cy had one…
I am actually on vitamin D as my last blood test said I had a deficiency! I’ll add the other ingredients!
Right? Sheesh….
22nd Jan, 2025 00:01
>Have you ever tried to take a picture of the >inside of your own throat?
No. But if I needed to, I’d have a friend or family member assist me to avoid the existential crisis.
>I do not recommend it.
Making a mess with watercolors sounds like more fun.
Jules Smith
22nd Jan, 2025 09:01
It’s a very difficult task even if someone else does it, LL. Making a mess is always much more fun!
22nd Jan, 2025 09:01
So I got a text to say I needed a blood test on the 8th Jan. Called ’em straight away, got an appointment on the 30th!
Jules Smith
22nd Jan, 2025 14:01
That early!
It’s shocking. You’ll have something else by then. Want to nudge in on mine?
Gill Taylor
22nd Jan, 2025 10:01
I have art space envy!
Mushrooms are a great source of Vit D – interestingly, if you bask them in sunlight on the window ledge before cooking, it increases the Vit d in the shroom!
I’ll bet 85% of the population of the UK are deficient.
Don’t get me started on the art that makes millions! Artist? Pah!
Jules Smith
22nd Jan, 2025 14:01
Haha! You’re welcome anytime, Gillian.
Well, I never knew that! Just got to wait for some sunlight and I’ll be all over that.
I reckon they must be. It’s why we’ve all got rickety bones.
It beggars belief… we should all be loaded.
the late phoenix
22nd Jan, 2025 13:01
the only mushrooms I eat are the mushrooms Alan Watts tells me to eat.
Deep Throat, for years I thought Linda Lovelace was Linda Lavin from Alice.
come to Carmel, mah dahlin!!! I made reservations at Black Bear Diner for us, they have bacon…
I can’t take a picture of my throat, my tonsils are ticklish.
it’s like if Harold and the Purple Crayon was Warhol…
mah dahlin, picture this: a hardboiled ostrich egg…
love you *)
Jules Smith
22nd Jan, 2025 14:01
Wise decision.
Nooo, Alice just does eat me and drink me…
I can’t take a picture of my throat either. And I’m good at photos.
It’s like, how can this be for real? Really though.
I can’t imagine such a thing. It would take 3 hours 40 minutes to cook. *)
Roger B.
22nd Jan, 2025 15:01
After looking at Cy Twombly’s, ah, er, artworks, I suggest that the reason you, Julesy, are not a millionaire is because you actually know how to paint.
Jules Smith
22nd Jan, 2025 16:01
It’s quite insane, Roger. How can this be? You wait to see the scribbles I can do now I’ve got an art space! Move over, Cy, my wax crayon is bigger than yours!
22nd Jan, 2025 15:01
Well, now I have space envy! Until my son leaves home (he’s 24…) and I can take over his room, I’m relegated to a tiny corner of the living room. I expect great work from that space. Million $$ scribbles, a banana taped to a wall, c’mon Jules, you can do it!
Did that poached egg explode and drip on your shirt? Not that I’ve ever experienced that.
Jules Smith
22nd Jan, 2025 17:01
I felt like that not long ago, Nany! Knocking my elbows into things and losing my paints! I decided I didn’t need a garage because my car didn’t fit in it anyway and all I was doing was hoarding stuff I didn’t need to. Now it’s useful and perhaps I can invent really big scribbles that make me millions of pounds. You just wait!
That egg went everywhere!!
2nd Feb, 2025 23:02
Glad the Art Philosopher has a proper studio now! JSYK: Our friend Peter’s horses and a fine blue heeler puppy named Unkas were orphaned a few weeks ago. Lung cancer got a little too comfortable, and things went south. But the memories will always be good at the Westphalia Ranch. and your time there will always be cherished!
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