October Dark and light: Inspired by the ‘two sentence’ horror stories I have decided to embark on a similar theme but mixing it up with one day of dark and menacing suggestion and the next of light and cheerful. Monday – Friday snippets from your Art Philosopher until All Hallows’ Eve is over…
9 Comments on October the Second is Light
2nd Oct, 2015 13:10
So the spot in the middle of her forehead — a gunshot?
I realize that today is the lighter and sweeter version on the march to All Hallows Eve. Just trying to figure the spot…an Indian – Hindu?
Jules Smith
5th Oct, 2015 16:10
An alien.
the late phoenix
2nd Oct, 2015 15:10
that’s not a spot, it’s a third eye *)
2nd Oct, 2015 16:10
Of course!!
Jules Smith
5th Oct, 2015 16:10
There ya go! Perfect answer, my sweet *)
Gorilla Bananas
2nd Oct, 2015 18:10
Only a true gentleman would tell a woman with a spot on her forehead that he loved her. Bless the pair of them!
Jules Smith
5th Oct, 2015 16:10
Or he’s desperate. No, you’re right it’s because he’s a lovely gentleman.
The Blue Grumpster
4th Oct, 2015 14:10
The suspense is killing me as I wait for your art to drop in my mailbox.
Jules Smith
5th Oct, 2015 16:10
Awww…thank my lovely Blue. 🙂 I hope the wait isn’t too long.
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