October the Eighth is Light

The Art Philosopher

Posted on: 8th Oct, 2015

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October Dark and light: Inspired by the ‘two sentence’ horror stories I have decided to embark on a similar theme but mixing it up with one day of dark and menacing suggestion and the next of light and cheerful. Monday – Friday snippets from your Art Philosopher until All Hallows’ Eve is over…

October the Eighth




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Just waiting for the newspaper photographer to make a picture of me and my book for the Saturday edition! (Where’s my lippy…)


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7 Comments on October the Eighth is Light



8th Oct, 2015 11:10

Send the money to me in small, used banknotes, in certified post/mail. Let me push a few of them (selected at random) through a bank to make sure they’re not counterfeit. Only then will you get my thanks.


Jules Smith

8th Oct, 2015 21:10

Ha! smart and cynical, just my cup of tea, Larry.

the late phoenix

the late phoenix

8th Oct, 2015 16:10

after taxes, you’ll only have to pay 1000 pounds a year back! you’ve hit the jackpot!

last night while i was sleeping the leprechaun took back his pot of gold under my bed. very reasonably, though, he left in its place an economy-size box of Lucky Charms cereal *)


Jules Smith

8th Oct, 2015 21:10

And that, my sweet, is about as fortunate as I get too. Multi coloured, sugary sweet, tip-you-over-the-edge-with-enumbers fodder. Damn those leprechauns. *)

The Blue Grumpster

The Blue Grumpster

8th Oct, 2015 20:10

I love your video.


Jules Smith

8th Oct, 2015 21:10

Thank you! I’m delighted at that x

Gorilla Bananas

Gorilla Bananas

9th Oct, 2015 17:10

Interesting how two yesses signifies impatience and three yesses signifies an orgasm.


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