In a hidden corner of the Carpathian Mountains, a small, secluded village nestled between mist-shrouded peaks whispered the tales of the lucky number seven. A legend that travelled through generations. It spoke of a mystical entity known as the Guardian of Sevens, a being said to reside within the confines of an ancient, enigmatic cave atop the seventh hill.
The people of the village revered the number, considering it a harbinger of luck and fortune. Many couples birthed seven children and the seventh child would be revered and given a position of leadership. It is said that the seventh child was a seer and could foretell portents from the Guardian.
Stories were told of individuals who encountered the Guardian and received extraordinary blessings, all revolving around this auspicious number.
One evening, beneath the glow of the half moon, a curious child named Marek ventured into the mountains guided by the tales. His heart brimmed with the desire to unlock the secrets that lay within the cave’s depths. As he reached the seventh hill, he could feel an unseen force pulling him closer to the mysterious cave. Cautiously, he entered and found himself in a cavern adorned with shimmering stalagmites. In the centre stood a deep well shrouded in the flickering glow of seven melody stones.
“Welcome, seeker,” the voice of the Guardian of Sevens came from the well; a melody of whispers and echoes.
“You seek the wisdom of the sevens. What is it that you wish to know?”
Marek hesitated. ”Tell me the meaning of the lucky number seven.”
The Guardian of Sevens spoke in riddles and parables, unravelling the essence of seven – a symbol of mystery and completion, a bridge between the material and the spiritual. Seven was the number of cycles, the days of creation, the colours of the rainbow and the chakras within. Seven is often associated with awakening, intuition, and inner wisdom. It’s seen as a mystical number representing introspection and a deep understanding of self.
“In seven, find harmony and balance,” the Guardian said, the words echoing in the cavern. “In seven, find your path and purpose. But remember, the true essence of seven lies within your perception.”
As Marek emerged from the cave, his mind buzzed with contemplation. What did the Guardian mean by perception? Could seven truly be a key to unlocking a deeper understanding of existence? Could he fathom the mystical connection to this number that transcended mere luck?
Dear seeker of truths, I ask you: What mysteries do you believe the number seven holds within the fabric of reality? How will you perceive the enigmatic dance of the sevens in your journey through life?
31 Days – 31 Drawings – 31 Tales
3 Comments on Inktober Fortune
10th Oct, 2023 13:10
The Seven Seas, Seven Wonders of the World, the first seven moves in the Kama Sutra…all that. The question of luck or skill in fortune is hotly debated. Should I stop at seven masterpiece near-best-seller novels or roll the dice and go for an eighth?
Jules Smith
10th Oct, 2023 14:10
Since fortune favours the brave I say, keep going! Luck needs a helping hand and failure can’t win against persistence.
Anyway, eight is also super lucky! It means loadsa money in China!
the late phoenix
10th Oct, 2023 19:10
this is WAY better than that final Guardians of the Galaxy movie.
7 has always been lucky for me, one Christmas I got seven swimming swans………and one of them was Natalie Portman!!! Taylor Swift’s lucky number is 13 which just doesn’t make sense.
shades of Children of the Stones, The Cave of Time by Edward Packard, Avatar the Last Airbender, and of course Korra, I love it, mah dahlin, let’s do a short film for PBS together.
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