In the ancient realm, where the tales of gods and goddesses were woven into the fabric of life, there lived two celestial beings who were destined to chase each other forever. She was known as Sol, the Sun goddess, radiant and fierce, her brilliance enough to scorch the earth. Her smile breathed life into the world, older than the memories of mankind. She nurtured growth and bathed the land in her golden embrace. Yet, her wrath was equally fearsome, and those who dared to offend her found themselves blinded or reduced to ash.
Opposite her was Mani, the Moon god, cool and calm in his demeanour. He was the guardian of the night, the keeper of dreams, and the one who brought forth the deepest of emotions from the human heart. Mani was a gentle guide in the darkness, his silvery glow a beacon for those lost in the night. He gave tirelessly, sharing his luminous gift until he could give no more.
But what set these two apart from all other gods and goddesses was the deep, unyielding love they held for each other. Sol and Mani were drawn together by a force as old as the cosmos. It was a love that could never be fulfilled. As Sol shone her face upon the world, Mani pursued her, only to lose her in the vastness of the night sky.
In the morning, Sol would rise from her slumber, casting powerful rays across the heavens, searching for her beloved Mani. She would reach out to him with her radiant touch but he remained just out of her grasp. No matter how far she extended her golden fingers, the Moon remained aloof, drifting away into the pale blue.
And so, as Mani took his turn to shine. He would light up the dark, casting a gentle, silvery light as far as he could. Each time he hoped to catch a fleeting glimpse of Sol, to bask in the embers of her love, he could never catch her. She always eluded him, sinking away below the horizon.
The mortals of the Germanic lands told tales of the eternal chase, of Sol and Mani, locked in a never-ending pursuit of each other. Some said that their love was a lesson in the balance of power and gentleness, of light and darkness. Others believed that their love story was a reflection of the fleeting nature of life itself; where moments of joy and love were chased relentlessly, yet always seemed just beyond reach.
For Sol and Mani, their love was a dance that spanned the ages, a celestial tango that played out in the great universe. Though they could never truly hold each other, their pursuit was a testament to the enduring power of love and that love could endure, even in the face of eternity.
Inktober 2023
31 Days – 31 Drawings – 31 Tales
4 Comments on Inktober Celestial
the late phoenix
23rd Oct, 2023 14:10
WOW mah dahlin!!! this pic is the Big Bang of spirit energy!!! exploding with firmament and kindness. there’s my lower-back tattoo!!! it’s Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness by the Smashing Pumpkins forever swirly-locked with the Beatles Magical Mystery Tour.
I know a Mani, he’s my gardener, AND he’s the Moon God, the Moon God of Mexico.
a beautiful sentiment, my sweet, we all want an eternal love with THAT SPECIAL PERSON, if you know what I mean, wink wink nudge nudge
Jules Smith
23rd Oct, 2023 20:10
Yes, my sweet, I can see this being a back tattoo. I think the monks would encourage it for zen, yin and yang balance and life-giving chi.
Yes, he is. Now you know. This is why he has green fingers.
Ay-Ay – ya cheeky devil! *)
23rd Oct, 2023 15:10
Life would seem to be one eternal round or orbit. “Man’s reach must exceed his grasp, or what else is heaven for.”
“For I dipt into the future, far as human eye could see; Saw the vision of the world and all the wonder that would be.”
Jules Smith
23rd Oct, 2023 20:10
I quite agree with that statement.
I’ve certainly exceeded my grasp this month, Larry, that’s for sure. I’ve met myself coming back. I’m so behind and chaotic I feel like Alice in Wonderland.
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