A wink, a snigger, and a twinge of anxiety.

Whimsy On A Wednesday

Posted on: 17th Jan, 2024

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An abstract rain painting with words

It’s an Artist thing…

I got many books for Christmas. People clearly think I should read a lot. I’ve started three of them, and I still have to finish another that I had on the go before Christmas. I don’t know where I am supposed to get the time to do all these things. I have two books on a Kindle, a hardback by my bed, a paperback downstairs on my coffee table, and a dip-in-and-change-your-life book which is the one I’m going to discuss this whimsical day. 

The Artist’s Way

Proven, nay promises (with testimonials) to change your life. So long as you stick to it. Ah, there’s the issue. No. I shall stick to it. I read the first bit and it gave examples of things to do so you can be a successful, non-fearful, enigmatic, creator that never not ever again, gets stuck in a crappy creative conundrum or procrastinating pickle. If you do what it says, you might turn into a Picasso or a best-selling novelist. Whatever it is you create, this book gets you to the top of your game. Well, I had to give that a try. 

I read the first part and then it asked me to sign a contract before continuing on the twelve-week course. Hmmm, didn’t do that. It’s not that I’m not committed but maybe I should be… I didn’t want to ruin a good book by writing in it. That’s what I’m going with.  But I am sticking to it. I am. So don’t roll your eyes at me, I say with a wink. I’ve got this. 

One of the things it suggests is something called Morning Pages. This means getting up a bit earlier so you have time to write three pages of longhand. I agree with actually putting pen to paper as it is extremely beneficial in a way that typing is not. It engages parts of your brain and opens up pathways; it helps you be more creative, problem-solve, memorise and so much more. And I’m not just advocating it because I produce so many beautiful notebooks which you can buy here and other sorts here. 

La book says that writing has helped people past major blockages.  It doesn’t matter what you write but you must write and you’re not allowed to read it back. That’s probably a good thing because I don’t do mine first thing.  On my approach to awakening, I must first have a mug of tea followed by one coffee, a poached egg and bacon on toast, another coffee whilst doing Wordle, The mini crossword, another mini crossword, followed by Connections and then the big daily crossword. Then, and only then am I ready to deal with other things. Besides, I’m in a top-place daily battle with a random player called Keith from Australia on the second mini-crossword (I know this as he has an Aussie flag next to his name) and every day we vie for the top spot. I find great joy in knocking him off first place and have a bit of a snigger to myself about it. Not that I’m overly competitive but I couldn’t even let it go on Christmas Day. I often have to ban myself from online games because I get a bit fixated. 

So, the morning pages then commence. Unfortunately, I’m often irritated by something I’ve heard on the news by this point, or I think Keith the Aussie has cheated, or the wolfits want feeding, or someone interrupts me during my manic flow and then all the little embers inside me -that I now refer to as angry dots- start glowing. I’m not sure this is working for me unless it is supposed to get worse before it gets better.  I don’t know if I should be listing everyone who has irked me and needs sorting out and that I might actually have had more success as an assassin. I then start to wonder what the author of the said book means by three pages. Surely they should be at least A4, right? Not a little journal with a margin? Is that cheating? Am I cheating myself already? Well, you didn’t sign the contract, Jules…

Ah shaddap! 

I start to write over the margin which feels dreadfully wrong and think maybe I should do four pages but, uhhh, I don’t want to. I’m already upset by so many things that I can feel the temper in my hand making me press on too hard and give me a cramp. Mother of Sundays, I feel so anxious!  I stand up and go to feed the wolfits.

Talking of wolfits

Please meet Tex the Cyber Wolf AKA Sci-Fi Tex, as requested by Masher. 

Sci-Fi Cyber wolf drawing in line and wash by Jules Smith

I’ve drawn this one as Tex was very poorly last week with a random infection and because he’s an Addison’s patient he can go into a crisis. He ended up on a drip and spent days at the vet. He’s only just started to get well and eat again. I went through a horrible week wondering if he’d make it but he did because he is a Space Warrior! 

You can’t keep a good dog down. Nor a creative who does Morning Pages.

Have You seen the red dot?

There’s not one on the top middle industrial entry yet…

Postcard show gallery

I’m not talking about my inner angry dots, I’m talking about the magical red dots that mean success on a plate. No, I’m not talking about bacon either. 

Flowers on a postcard sized piece of art

I entered the International Postcard Exhibition with five postcards of different mediums and styles. The show is on for two weeks. Another famalam member entered a painting so we went to visit on the opening night. It had only been open an hour when we arrived to have a look and already one of my paintings had been RED-DOTTED. 

Red Dot equals SOLD

Sail boat -Sailing Through by Jules Smith

Sailing Through. No, that’s what it’s called!

A few minutes later and the famalam member with me got a red dot too! Could this be a familial genius? Or is this book going to my head? 

View the hand that is The Victor’s Trophy (the red dot came seconds after this photo)

Red Hand bleeding painting

The way this is going you might have to start paying me to come here. All payment methods are accepted. No tabs.

No matter what, January has been quite eventful, and I even got through Blue Monday without a hiccup. Maybe that’s because I forgot to do dry January again.

Oh well. 


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16 Comments on A wink, a snigger, and a twinge of anxiety.



17th Jan, 2024 21:01

I have learned that making art pay is — ah— difficult. People would rather pay me for other things. I’m not complaining about the books I’ve written and that I’m writing on (some with you). I’m happy (yes, strangely enough – happy) if I get enough income to pay for one lunch (a crust of bread or something like that) each month from book sales. If I get more than that, good.

The other LL stuff is off to a good year so far but it’s not the least bit artistic.


Roger B.

17th Jan, 2024 21:01

That pay thing? Ditto for b&w photographs.
Julesy, a cautionary thought: You might consider dropping the word “snigger” from your publications. These days the triggered-happy folk are crawling the web, looking for innocent wordsmiths to cancel.


Jules Smith

18th Jan, 2024 10:01

Ha! It wouldn’t surprise me, Roger. However, I refuse to be cancelled. I’ll just keep popping up regardless!


Jules Smith

18th Jan, 2024 10:01

Yes, The other JS stuff is better. I plan to change that because I like a challenge. So long as you’re happy – that’s the all-important thing, LL.



18th Jan, 2024 08:01

Love the Space Tex picture, thank you.
He looks like something straight out of Dr Who: a strange terrifying alien creature.
And yet – at the same time – slightly camp. I think it’s the shoulder pads 🙂
Stick that in your art show… red dot for sure!


Jules Smith

18th Jan, 2024 10:01

You’re welcome, Masher. And it’s the 80’s shoulder pads that do that. Or is it a glam rock thing? I enjoyed drawing this get-up!

Two red dots in a week! Go me!


Cletus Valvecore

18th Jan, 2024 15:01

Relative to “Tex” glad to hear he made it through last week and that he’s on the mend. However, I would suggest a change in the uniform colors….reminds me of the recent Dallas Cowboys game where they worked very very hard to help the opposition win. The yellow boots are ok with me, although I prefer brown.
Regards and good luck to Tex.


Jules Smith

18th Jan, 2024 17:01

Thank you, Cletus. Me too. I hate it when he goes through these episodes.

The jinx of the blue jerseys! I prefer brown too along with plenty of boot JuJu!

Paul M

Paul M

18th Jan, 2024 14:01

You HAVE TO beat Keith!…considering Australia is a British penal colony…gotta win one for the Mothership. Then make it known, which could increase Red Dot sales (all terrific btw).

Oh, and toss the book, leave it on the local pub bar for someone else (who clearly may need it)…replace it with a Tony Robbins series, at least you can stream his self-help instead of toiling with taking up time reading more instructions for life.

Learned the Palmer method cursive writing, might be the last generation to do so. Went into architecture and drafting, mostly print. By your lead I might try to do actual writing to calm the chi, that is if the hand doesn’t cramp up from being out of practice.


Jules Smith

18th Jan, 2024 17:01

Right?! I HAVE to! I knocked him off his spot today, don’t you worry. I go to bed at night thinking, “Ahh, Keith will just be getting up in a minute to see that he’s FAILED!

Tony Robbins! The Hour of Power! Then of course there’s Jordan Peterson. There’s a never-ending supply of genius helpers. Will one of them have the answers? This is the question…

Absolutely, Paul, you must write, particularly if you write fancy-pants cursive! Very good for the brain in so many ways.

the late phoenix

the late phoenix

18th Jan, 2024 14:01

it’s impossible to change one’s life, isn’t it, mah dahlin?

snigger, I love that word so much.

my best friend in the whole world was named Brent. but then Brent moved to Australia. and I never saw him again. during kindergarten…

Tex looks like an anime shonen hero in that pic!!!

red-dotted means something else in my line of work…

is that Joey from Friends?

Dry January is useless, it’s not the alcohol that fucks up your life, everyone on Instagram made their worst life decision whilst sipping on TAZO tea…

my sweet, these are the rules to learning English: Their Our Know Rules



Jules Smith

18th Jan, 2024 17:01

It feels impossible and yet when I look back many small achievements are leading into each other. My problem is I expect big things to happen and giant leaps to take place. I also find it hard not to turn things into money-making schemes. There’s some psychology behind that. The pure enjoyment of something I find I can only relate to food, drink and luxurious holidays.

Is Brent the son of Keith? Does Brent know Keith? I feel like a Brent wouldn’t know a Keith unless she was Brent’s accountant.

Tex is a hero.

Now I have to see which one you’re looking at.

Dry January is a cult. I don’t follow cults, I start them.

Their Our Only Weighs. *)

Ed Bonderenka

Ed Bonderenka

18th Jan, 2024 17:01

I’ve learned that making art pay may be linked to having your father in the White House.
Not worth it in that case.


Jules Smith

18th Jan, 2024 17:01

I’d much rather have a Turner than a Hunter.

Nine times out of ten, it’s always who you know. And it’s never about the art, it’s always about the money.



28th Jan, 2024 04:01

Ah, the good old “make art pay” conundrum.

I’ve noticed it usually works something like this.

Know Alexandra Polizzi. Get witty idea for “creative bread,” in SOHO. Sell that for thousands and kick back overlooking Hyde Park.

Or become a padre!

Jules Smith

Jules Smith

31st Jan, 2024 14:01

Or, sleep with loads of people and then put all their names in a tent. Art.


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