Good Goth My Head Hurts

Whimsy On A Wednesday

Posted on: 1st May, 2024

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Whitby harbour by night photo by Jules Smith

Whimsy On A Wednesday! Where darkness and trickery meet in the middle!

I’m so busy it’s insane. I’m so busty busy I don’t have time to breathe. I’m so busy I can’t focus on anything and nuffin’ except the current painting challenge that I’m seventy-something days into, along with a story I made that now has avid followers, and trying to move house. And breathe… except I forgot, I can’t. 

I don’t have any time whatsoever to write a blog post. I don’t have any time whatsoever to visit blogs of people and writers I dearly love. Soz. Big sozzes. Sozzes of the sincerest swell.  One day, I will be settled and I’ll be all over you like a rash on a shiny bottom. 

In respect of utter chaos, I’m going to do a mainly pictorial post today as I went to Whitby for my birthday and it just so happened to be Goth weekend. I was surrounded by the dark and mysterious. Who knew I could mingle with a crowd of people and look like the innocent one! 

But, before I delight you with the top hats and tails of mischief, I’d like to paint you a different picture. One that explains my absence of late (aside from the busyness) and had me running into my old friend Karma. Remember her?  Remember when I lived next door to her in Houston? 

Remember how much she loves me? 

Well, she found me again, the sneaky old tart. And this is what happened.

Karma Karman Have a Laugh on Me

Now don’t judge me for going on TikTok. I have to go there to post videos and it just so happens that there’s a lot of awesome stuff on it that I get drawn into. One of those things is spiteful videos of people being pranked. Pranked as in being made to jump out of their skin. I find this hilarious. One particular trending scare tactic is to go into a room and scream like you’ve seen something horrible. This makes the other person also scream, run, fall over, drop their tea, bang their head and so on. For the sole purpose of psychology for sport, I decided to give that one a go. I chose my victim carefully. I decided that a late-night option, when all was quiet and settled, would be best for a favourable result. The victim was in bed reading her book. Heh. I walked down the corridor in a pair of sliders. Not my sliders but the sliders of the boyfriend of my victim because I’m too lazy to find my slippers. I like them because I can slip them on easily. They are of course too big for me which didn’t help.

 I had the whole thing planned in my mind. I would walk in and then glance at the bed as if a monstrous spider was on it, scream my head off and run. And that’s exactly what I did.

However, when I started to run I neglected to remember it is a laminate wooden floor and when your oversized slider hits a sock on a shiny floor at speed, well, you kinda slide. My legs did a super-high-speed Scooby-Doo around the buffet table action. There I went, careering towards a window at Mach 1 unable to stop myself. I fell forward and cracked my head violently on the window sill as I crashed into a laundry basket underneath, smashing it to smithereens. I frightened the crap out of my victim who burst into tears thinking I was dead. Not quite the result I wanted.

Mother of Goodness, it bloody well hurt. Karma dropped the mic and walked off.

Hate her. 

Get your Flaps Around These Jacks

Whitby flapjack bakery sign

I’m a big fan of the “Obvious Adams” concept because it tells it how it is. Also, telling it how it is, is rather amusing.

And now for something a little darker…

This man and many others made large walking sticks with cages upon them. Most were elaborate and terrifying. I have no idea what they are meant to be, but each to their own.

Man with a stick in Goth weekend in Whitby

You tell her…

man and woman walking through Whitby town on Goth weekend

Surprisingly, this man does not have green fingers…

The Green Man at Goth weekend in Whitby

Always be afraid of The North Sea…

Head of Clown Church…

masked Goth in Whitby

Along with The Joker…

Clown at Goth weekend

Right out of Davy Jones’s Locker…

Scary at Whitby Goth Weekend

Monster Mash Up…

Monster Mash Up

UH – OH – Covid’s Back

The Plague mask

And on that note… RUN!


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10 Comments on Good Goth My Head Hurts



1st May, 2024 18:05

I don’t know if you wore your emergency clown nose, but if you didn’t, I hope you had it in your purse. I realized that the clowns at the festival were evil but it wouldn’t do if you painted the emergency clown nose black.


Jules Smith

1st May, 2024 18:05

Most annoyingly, I did have it in my bag but I had taken out a smaller bag for the evening and didn’t put it in there! I did regret that. I would never paint it black – I shall leave that to The Rolling Stones.

Next time I’m taking my nose along with my Top Hat. I’ll show ’em how to clown about!



1st May, 2024 18:05

You really need to start being a little more careful at your age. That could easily have been more conk damage!


Jules Smith

1st May, 2024 18:05

Right?! That could have been break number 6.

Honestly, I wondered if I’d done serious damage but it turns out I’m tougher than I thought despite now being black and blue with a frozen shoulder. Hmmm…

the late phoenix

the late phoenix

1st May, 2024 22:05

Sozzes: should be the name of a sausage company.


I love you so much for this description: Scooby-Doo around-the-buffet-table action.

instead of a TikTok prank, I would put this on TikTok for someone I love: she comes home from a long hard day at work and Spider-Man is in her bed………I don’t know, I don’t have TikTok, I think TikTok is banned in my country…

did you ask these British goths if they saw The Cure’s very first show in ’78?…

that last boy looks like Goth Harry Potter!!!



Jules Smith

2nd May, 2024 10:05

Thank you so much, my sweet. I had a lovely time. I think sozzes has already been taken by a sauce company.

I totally scooby-dooed.

There are many ways to get at a person, whether you’re on social media or not. I’m not that important to worry about it.

All Goths have seen The Cure.

He does! *)

Al Kirk

Al Kirk

2nd May, 2024 00:05

Assuming above comments are right… Happy birthday. If not, well, Happy Birthday anyway as yiu had one sometime!

Great photos of typical folks in Britian having fun. Thanks for sharing.

Glad you didn’t die in your fall. You still need to finish your 100 days and an untimely death would ruin the project.

Smile… eat more bacon.


Jules Smith

2nd May, 2024 10:05

Thank you, Al. If only you’d sent me some bacon seeds…

Yes, that’s North Yorkshire fun and frolics right there! No messin’

Right? Can you imagine if that had happened? You lot would have had to finish it off so I died a hero!

I’m trying 🙂



2nd May, 2024 10:05

We share a birthday? Cool.

Did you film your prank for the Tik Toks? Plenty of views, I bet.

And boy, you don’t half hang around with some kin’ wierdos, sometimes! I’m intrigued by the picture of the bloke with the walking stick. Where on earth were you, that you had to make a booking to use the ladies toilet?


Jules Smith

2nd May, 2024 10:05

Happy Birthday to you! Masher taters and stew, bread and butter in the gutter, Happy Birthday to you!

No, I should have filmed it because I could have gone viral, become an influencer and been living on a yacht all overnight! Didn’t think that one through, did I!

Right?! I wondered who would spot that sign. I noticed that as I was putting it up! Ha! The upper deck sounds well dodgy!


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