In the town of Treemenduss where the treeple rest their heads,
The branchlings and the twiglets sleep in their woody beds,
Their homes are built up high in trees, rooted into place,
A kind and gentle folk are they, in tune with nature’s grace.
But deep in Frightening Forest, where no one dares to tread,
Lives a beast of great proportions filling every heart with dread.
The Trunkling is his name, and tales of him are vast,
For eating trees and branchlings makes up his best repast.
One awful night a wicked wind came whistling around,
Down Leafy Lane it bustled, with its windy howling sound.
It blew the Treeple’s houses hard and they began to sway,
And cheery Acorn Alley then became a twister’s prey.
In fear and trepidation, the Treeple they did flee,
Leaving their beloved homes still hanging in each tree.
The Branchlings and the Twiglets, well they began to cry,
What will we do? Where shall we live? How will we all get by?
But then from out the forest with a roar and a mighty stride,
Came The Trunkling storming forth, casting fears aside.
He grabbed at buildings, pulled up trees before they could be smote,
And placed them in the forest, where the wicked winds can’t gloat.
The Trunkling was a hero, from the afeared to town’s delight,
For saving Treemenduss and its treeple from their awful plight.
And if you pass by the Frightening Forest, don’t be filled with fear,
For The Trunkling is their saviour, and a mascot held most dear.
Inktober 2023
31 Days – 31 Drawings – 31 Tales
8 Comments on Inktober Beast
27th Oct, 2023 07:10
From the Master of the Monstory – comes yet another terrifying beastie. I’m just happy that the Trunkling was around to save the day.
Jules Smith
27th Oct, 2023 08:10
The beasts keep coming, but they’re not as scary as you think! Not in Monstory land at least!
the late phoenix
27th Oct, 2023 14:10
a BRILLIANT character design, mah dahlin, it evokes that arcade game Rampage from the ’80s and the Beast Titan from Attack on Titan!!! I am LOVING The Trunkling’s cheeky smile!!!
treeple, that’s me, I’m just treeple.
Dr. Seuss, Casey at the Bat, this is up there with the Epic Poetry of Beowulf!!!
Jules Smith
27th Oct, 2023 16:10
What’s not to like about The Trunkling, eh? What a magnificent beast!
Treeple’s are the people’s high up in the wooden steeples.
Well, I thank you kindly, I do. *)
27th Oct, 2023 15:10
I’m quite partial to a Twiglet or two, meself.
Jules Smith
27th Oct, 2023 16:10
Uh-Oh… Are you The Trunkling?
I’m quite a fan too.
Thank you, Masher!
Paul M
27th Oct, 2023 18:10
Left this over at VM:
“For these inspired Inktober drawings was curious if Jules has ventured into the Ancient Ram Inn in Wotton-under-Edge, Gloucestershire…or was it travels to the North Country for whisky?”
By the way, Micron’s are my favorite drafting/concept drawings pens.
Jules Smith
28th Oct, 2023 04:10
Haha! Ooh no. I’d be a bit scared of that! I’d rather stay in the confines of my imagination!
Well, if I’d have known you could draw, Paul, I would have roped you in!
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