Inktober Drip

The Art Philosopher

Posted on: 7th Oct, 2023

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a digital drawing of raindrops

In the quiet afternoon, a steady sound does skip,

Echoes of solitude as droplets softly drip,

Graceful ballet of liquid pearls, a rhythmic trip,

A melodic tale of the relentless tranquil drip.


Raindrops on the Windscreen

In the late autumn afternoon, on the date of October 7th, I found myself in the curious stillness of a car, enveloped by the steady rhythm of raindrops against the window. It was a grey English day of muted hues stretching across the sky and reflecting within.

Time slowed as I sat there in the sea of vehicles, each stationary yet all part of this collective journey on the rain-kissed tarmac. The gentle pitter-patter of drops against the glass became a soothing noise, echoing the melancholic ambience that the final quarter often brings.

The outside seemed to be in a state of quiet reflection, the rain acting as a gentle veil, softening the edges of the bustling city and hurried pace of everyday life. It was a moment of pause, an invitation to introspect and observe through a different lens.

As I watched the water drip down the window, a sense of calm enveloped me. I found an opportunity to collect my thoughts and be present. There was an odd beauty in this waiting game, an unexpected peace. It reminded me that even in the mundane moments there’s always time to appreciate the poetic beauty of the world around us. Perhaps, in the midst of the rain, the traffic, and the grey October day there lies a lesson in embracing the stillness amidst life’s constant movement.


Inktober 2023

inktober prompt list

31 Days – 31 Drawings – 31 Tales


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4 Comments on Inktober Drip

the late phoenix

the late phoenix

7th Oct, 2023 16:10

so soft and lovely, mah dahlin, so tranquil and sumptuous. those three drops remind me of when I was on a drip at the hospital because I thought Mrs. Butterworth was my mother.

one time I thought I was in a car meditating on a foggy early Saturday morning………but it turns out I was really in the midst of a train at the club the night before…



Jules Smith

7th Oct, 2023 18:10

Thank you, sweet P – I hear that syrup-titiously Mrs Butterworth married Mr Lyle.

The rain in train is punctuated by tea. *)



9th Oct, 2023 02:10

Is that done with an air brush, Jules?


Jules Smith

9th Oct, 2023 09:10

This particular sketch was done on my iPad using Procreate where you have digital brushes that you use with an Apple Pencil. I did use a soft airbrush in the centre of the drops to get the shading right!


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